
Rajakapotasana Cross Stitch Pattern

Rajakapotasana: New asana embroidery pattern

If you practice Yoga you will know the asana “Eka pada rajakapotasana” or pigeon pose. I take this pose as inspiration to create my new yoga asana embroidery pattern.

Rajakapotasana: New asana embroidery pattern

If you practice Yoga you will know the asana “Eka pada rajakapotasana” or pigeon pose. I take this pose as inspiration to create my new yoga asana embroidery pattern.

I love San Francisco Victorian houses

I love San Francisco Victorian houses

I have finally been able to visit the city of San Francisco for the first time. I was so excited to see up close the movie locations like Alcatraz, Golden...

I love San Francisco Victorian houses

I have finally been able to visit the city of San Francisco for the first time. I was so excited to see up close the movie locations like Alcatraz, Golden...

Christmas Embroidery Patterns: 3 designs to embroider in a weekend

Christmas Embroidery Patterns: 3 designs to emb...

Generally people have been embroidering designs for Christmas all year long. But if you haven’t had time to think about it, I created 3 different christmas embroidery decor you can...

Christmas Embroidery Patterns: 3 designs to emb...

Generally people have been embroidering designs for Christmas all year long. But if you haven’t had time to think about it, I created 3 different christmas embroidery decor you can...